Top 10 of the Whitest School Photos Ever


 10. I Am A Master Of The Sword

Drake Bell! Is that you? This is clearly what Drake gets up to from Drake and Josh when Josh isn’t around.

9. Check Out my GBA, Bitches

Were you getting any back in school? What? How come? Hold on! Did you have a Game Boy Advance? No you say? Ahh, that’s where you went wrong. The girls go crazy for a little bit of GBA action!

8. Say Hello To My Little Friend

It’s a great idea in your mind: everyone loves the movie Scarface and every girl wants the bad boy. But using a fake machine gun and borrowing your dad’s tux, it just doesn’t work as well as it did inside your head.

7. All Kneel Before Your New King

When you wear a homemade chain-mail vest for your school photo and everyone laughs at you, they don’t realize the fact you were up most of the night bending little pieces of metal into circles.

6. In West Philadelphia Born and Raised…

“Sup, girl! Wanna playing some B-Ball with me? You wanna shoot some hoops! Okay! Wait until I take of my homemade vest that I made using duct tape. I really should have double-sided it, it’s stuck to my back”

5. Check Out the RAM On This Badboy

There’s always one isn’t there. Yes, John, we get it, your family are rich and we all are poor! You don’t have to rub it in our faces! God! Why is he looking at himself on the laptop? I bet this is what people did before Facebook.

4. Don’t Worry, I Will Save You

Come on, man! There’s a huge difference between wearing a spider-man suit and having the powers that Peter Parker did, and buying a $10 shirt and using a green screen. Then again, it’s still better effects than some films we’ve seen, so congrats on that.

3. Me and The Missus

Sorry, but why is it always the ginger kid that thinks he’s cool! In theory it should be the opposite as they tend to get bullied (which we aren’t condoning), but they seem to have the most confidence. “Joe, remember that time you brought in your PS2 for school photo day?” “Yeah I do! It was a great day.”

2. I’m Building a Kinex Army

You know this is a cool kid. If you’re going to build a suit of armor, a shield and a sword using nothing but Kinex, you can be friends with us. Call him what you will, but this white kid is probably on more an hour now than you ever will.

1. Wanna See Me Tickle The Ivories?

And the award for the worst and whitest school photo goes to… this guy! He deserves everything he wants in life and we really hope he goes far. He won that day and he must be recognized every year for it. The school needs to create a monument and dedicate it to him.
How many of these students/pupils do you think regret having these photos done? You know if you was one of their friends and you found about about it, you would never let it got.
Top 10 of the Whitest School Photos Ever Top 10 of the Whitest School Photos Ever Reviewed by Unknown on 4:50 PM Rating: 5
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