Top 10 Products With The Dirtiest Names


 10. So That’s Where People Buy it From

“Hey, Jon! You know that plant you’re growing in the loft? I have a way to shift the stuff” “Are you sure we wont get done?” “Don’t worry about it. This plan is full proof.”

9. Mmmm, Wait Until You Taste It

Nice play on words. But do you think people will buy it? I can’t imagine soup that tastes like it’s been stirred with a d**k tastes that nice to be honest.

8. The Best Kind of Goo

Send your husband to the shop to get some diaper ointment and the chances are he will come back with come Booty Goo. Come on, men, you so would – we know we would.

7. Soup for Your Mom

Hey, might as well go phone your mom and tell her they now have a soup especially for her. Well, tell her the soup resembles noodles more than a soup, but either way, it’s been designed especially for her.

6. Put Them In Your Mouth

Is this what the kids are eating nowadays? Liquid filled and extra sour; just like the real thing then.  All they need to do is make them fury and it’s a winner.

5. Say It Like it Is

Fancy trying a new spice mix to spice up your meat? Well how about a sh*t mix? Yeah, we wont beat around bush. It’s probably not the best mix in the world. Hey, at least we are honest.

4. Say What Now?

Nothing quenches your thirst like a cold can of Jew’s Ear Juice. It only takes around 2 Jews to fill a can so it’s very sustainable.

3. The Best Kind of Honey… Or So We’ve Heard

Damn! I’m currently a transsexual and there’s no honey to cater to my needs. What? You’re saying there’s actually a honey that is especially for me? Really? Oh, how times have changed.

2. We Do Enjoy a Good “Gaytime”

When it’s a very hot day and sweat is dripping from your face, reach into your freezer for a Golden Gaytime! We’ve heard that once you try one, you will never turn back.

1. No Other Toilet Roll Will Suffice Now

We will tell you what, if this toilet roll was sold at our local store, we would 100% buy it! Who wouldn’t? Say bye bye, Andrex, there’s a new roll in town.
Top 10 Products With The Dirtiest Names Top 10 Products With The Dirtiest Names Reviewed by Unknown on 4:50 PM Rating: 5
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