Top 10 Dirty eCards


10. The Alarm Clock Wants to Split us Up eCard

Every morning we face the same dilemma: We need to get out of bed but we just want that extra 5 mins. Stupid alarm clock! Have you ever noticed whatever song you alarm is, you grow to end up hating it due to the fact that it’s the song that wakes you up?

9. Friends Until We Are Old eCard

It’s funny because it’s true. If we had to push our friend around when he got old we wouldn’t be happy about it, but we would probably do it. If he started sh***ing his trousers though then we would be out of there quicker than you can say Jack Robinson (whoever he is).

8. Bring me Flowers eCard

We always buy our girlfriends flowers so this doesn’t apply to us. We are joshing, it sometimes applies to us. At the end of the day flowers die so they are a waste of money, plus we never get flowers bought for us. It’s much simpler and everyone is happy if we just agree to buy and pay for a takeaway.

7. Please Don’t Use That Word eCard

Haha, we thought the last one was hard. How about if we change the word to “Steve?” “For everyone that I’ve offended by using the word Steve, I am sorry and by I’m sorry I mean Steve you, you Steveing Stevetard Steve. Take a flying Steveing leap of the tallest Steveing Building.” It doesn’t quite have the same effect does it?

6. Nice Friend eCard

This eCard could complement number 6 very well; make sure you email both of them if you are trying to tell someone you don’t like them. Infact, while you are at it, email number 5 as well.

5. Yoga Pants eCard

Oh my days! This is one of the funniest things that we have heard in a while. If you don’t get it or you are unsure what a camel toe is, then we seriously suggest you get your ass on Google and you type that s**t it.

4. Please Go Brush Your Teeth eCard

Breath Smells
To be honest, if we had bad breathe we would rather our friends tell us. There is nothing more awkward than when a stranger brings it up to you, when all day you have been breathing in your friends face. It can be frustrating even more when your friend does bring it up and you actually brushed your teeth not long ago.

3. Why Wound You Want to Be… eCard

Wow, we are trying really hard to write this description without coming up with something dirty, a bad word or an innuendo. Instead I think we will sing some Sir Mix-a-lot. I like big butts and I cannot lie. You other brothers can’t deny. That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face. Listen to the Metal version.

2. Need a Bag With That eCard

“Do you need a bag?” LOL, it’s funny because it’s true. But, next time they ask: “do you need a bag?” Reply with: “No, I want to carry this trolley full of shopping home with my hands.” Remember, sarcasm is a sign of happiness. It’s just too bad that some people don’t get it – try and not make friends with these kinds of people.

1. Ask Me A Question, I Dare You eCard

As Fred Durst once said “It’s just one of those days, when ya don’t wanna wake up”. Yeah we have all been there. Unless of course you work with a guy who makes you want to stick your middle finger in his face every time he opens his mouth. I bet his name is John isn’t it?
Just like our Top 10 iPhone AutoCorrect Mistakes, we would love to make another top ten list of eCards if people want us to as we enjoy making these kinds of lists the most. Just give us a holler in the comments or something telling us.
Top 10 Dirty eCards Top 10 Dirty eCards Reviewed by Unknown on 12:16 PM Rating: 5
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